Mother's Day Gift Shop
24th, 26th, 28th March 2025
Children will be able to select a gift from the Mother's day shop at lunchtimes on the 24th, 26th and 28th March. Gifts will then go home with them on Friday 28th, ready for Mother's day on Sunday.
Prepayments can be made by Friday 21st March, either by bank transfer or cash in a named envelope dropped into the PTA postbox in the office. Children can then visit the gift shop on Monday (24th).
Or cash payments can be made on the day on Wednesday 26th or Friday 28th. Please ensure you give your child the correct money.
All gifts are subject to availability.
Gifts cost £4 each.
Bank Transfer details
Bank Account Number: 10259926 Sort Code: 20-79-29
Name: Friends of Nursling Primary School Association.
Please use your child's name and class as a reference. Please use R, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 for the class reference.